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๐ŸŸข Common Commands

You can interact with the Midjourney Bot on Discord by entering commands to create images, change default settings, monitor user information, and perform other useful tasks.

Midjourney commands can be used in any Bot Channel, on a private Discord server where the Midjourney Bot is allowed to run, or in direct messages with the Midjourney Bot.

Command NameFunction
/askGet an answer to a question.
/blendBlend images together, with a number of images ranging from 2 to 5.
/imagineGenerate images using prompts.
/fastSwitch to fast mode for shorter generation times.
/infoView account information and any queued or running jobs.
/subscribeGenerate a personal link to the account page for membership subscription.
/settingsView or adjust the settings of the Midjourney Bot.
/stealthFor subscribed users: switch to stealth mode.
/publicFor subscribed users: switch to public mode.
/describeConvert an image to a text description.
/prefer suffixSpecify a suffix to be added to every prompt.
/prefer option setCreate or manage a custom option.
/prefer option listView your current custom options.

In the following chapters, I will further explain these common commands with usage scenarios.