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๐ŸŸขย GPT Store Launching This Week: How to Quickly Secure & Publish Your GPT

On the early morning of the 5th, Beijing time, OpenAI brought us the first surprise of the new year: "The GPT store will be launched next week." In the email, they emphasized three conditions for joining the GPT store. The first one is about the usage policy and GPT brand guidelines. Judging from the update time (March 2023) and content of these two documents, normal use will not be an obstacle. The second and third conditions (verification profile and publishing GPTs) point to a must-have conditionโ€”owning your own independent domain as soon as possible.

Owning your own independent domain means you have a unique web address. A domain is an identifier on the internet that helps users find a specific website. For example, "" is a domain name.

As early as November, in our tutorial "How to Make Money with GPTs," we dissected the three main elements of GPTs: prompts, knowledge base, and third-party web services (Action). In "VoxScript Action Version GPTs = Unlimited URLs Can Be Included in GPTs!" we explained how to customize multiple URLs as Actions, allowing GPTs to use specialized search engines. In December, we updated "Beware of Your GPTs Defense Strategies," teaching everyone how to protect their prompt wealth before GPTs commercialization.

Yesterday, several group friends approached me, hoping to quickly have their own domain and publish their GPTs. Now, let me quickly walk you through this process. Moreover, at the end of the article, I will share some golden tips on how to choose the right category for your first GPT and pick a name that is easy to optimize for search engines (the higher the ranking, the easier it is to attract people to your GPTs). Donโ€™t miss out, seize the opportunity, and become the pioneer to publish your own GPTs!

Domain Purchaseโ€‹

Common platforms for purchasing domains include:

You can choose according to your needs. Here, I choose the more frequently used Alibaba Cloud for the explanation.

Step 1: Enter the domain name you want to purchase directly

Domain Search

Step 2: Choose a suitable suffix

  • Prefer .com / .cn domains, followed by .net and .org
  • Do not purchase .site domains (cannot be used for GPTs publishing)

Domain Suffix

Step 3: Login & proceed to the purchase interface

Click "Add to Cart" and then log in. It is recommended to use Alipay QR code to log in.


After logging in successfully, you will return to the domain selection interface. At this time, you click "Domain List" and then click "Buy Now" at the bottom right to jump to the next interface.

Domain List

Step 4: Enter discount code & complete the purchase

Discount Code

  • You can obtain the discount code from Alibaba Cloud's official WeChat public account or activity page. Here I have already organized it, you can directly enter it.
  • Click "Buy Now" and enter your personal information (name/ID card, etc.) or enterprise information. After the domain information review is completed (about 15-22 minutes), the purchase will be completed.

Purchase Completed

Completion Confirmation

Publish Your GPTsโ€‹

Step 1: Visit the GPT interface, click on the avatar at the bottom right, and select "Setting & Beta." Choose "Builder profile" and then "Verify new domain."


Step 2: Enter the domain you purchased in the previous section

Domain Verification

Step 3: Click upload, and a "Manage Domain" interface will pop up. At this time, we need to copy the code and return to the domain control panel on Alibaba Cloud (do not close your GPT window).

Manage Domain

Step 4: Configuration

Select "Resolution"


Choose to add a record

  • Record Type: TXT
  • Host Record: @
  • Record Value: Code copied from GPT

DNS propagation takes about 5-10 minutes

DNS Propagation

Step 5: Complete the binding & publish

  • Return to the GPT interface, click "Check" to complete verification and binding.
  • At this time, you only need to return to your GPTs, click "save" in the upper right corner, and select "Public."

Save and Publish

Seeing your GPTs with By+ your domain means you have succeeded ๐Ÿ…!

How to Position Your GPTsโ€‹

Congratulations! You have mastered all the core skills to publish your personal GPTs. Now, letโ€™s explore an important question: "What should your first GPT focus on?" The answer is simple: look at the data!

The charm of data lies in its ability to truly reflect public interest. Here I have created a GPTs Top100 Traffic Analysis chart, showing the proportion of different categories in the Top 100 GPTs in December and the traffic of different categories. You can save it as a reference for your positioning and optimizing GPTs.

Top 100 GPTs Traffic Analysis

Tip 1: GPTs Search Optimizationโ€‹

In the current GPTs market, the homogenization phenomenon of user interfaces (UI) is obvious. This consistency simplifies the learning process for users but also increases the difficulty of attracting users to visit.

UI Homogenization

In such a context, the naming and introduction of GPTs have become key differentiating factors.

Naming strategies can be a combination of "popular keywords + specialty keywords." The effectiveness of this formula lies in: popular keywords ensure that your GPTs appear in usersโ€™ search results, while specialty keywords make your content more noticeable.

Names like New + GPT-5, AI + PDF, AI + Voice Generator can all be broken down by the formula below.

Naming Strategy

Tip 2: Use Domain Names to Enhance Your GPTs Rankingโ€‹

In the author column of GPTs, you can choose to display your independent domain to improve the visibility of your product. A professional and unique domain can enhance the image of your work and attract more visitors.

Here are six domain naming strategies I have organized for everyone:

  1. Keywords: Choose keywords related to your business as part of the domain name.
  2. Concise and memorable: Choose a simple and easy-to-remember domain name.
  3. Avoid numbers and hyphens: Use purely textual domain names.
  4. Brand recognition: Incorporate the brand name into the domain name as much as possible.
  5. Research competitors: Analyze well-performing websites in the industry to understand their domain naming strategies.
  6. Use keyword tools: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find high search volume keywords related to your business.

In addition to compiling the GPTs data, I also made an interesting chart showing the favorite domain suffixes of the Top 100 GPTs! Besides .com being the perennial first choice, .co surprisingly ranks second.

Domain Suffix Preferences


The GPT store came faster than I imagined. When we seemed to have not yet reached the limits of GPTs capabilities, it had already arrived. Now, I can't wait to see the blooming of various GPTs in the GPT store! One of the greatest charms of GPTs is that it provides a platform for more people to express themselves. Everyone can use GPT to make their "voice" heard and achieve creative freedom through "no-code" methods. We are entering an era where everyone can create and own their own products.