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๐ŸŸข Learning Different Languages

In the past, learning a language required spending a lot of time studying various materials and then contacting teachers to correct speaking and writing, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. With ChatGPT, we now have a free, real-time feedback language learning assistant, which greatly saves our time. Below, I will use IELTS English learning as an example to introduce how to use ChatGPT for language learning, focusing on speaking and writing.


Plugin Installationโ€‹

Before we officially start, we need to complete the plugin installation. By using the Google plugin Voice Control for ChatGPT, ChatGPT's input and output can be transformed into voice form.

After refreshing ChatGPT, we can see a language input button at the bottom of the interface, click it to start voice input. The content ChatGPT replies will be read aloud, allowing us to practice speaking.

Language Input


The language input button on the right allows you to choose the language, theoretically enabling speaking practice in any language.

Speaking Practiceโ€‹

First, we use role-playing prompts to let ChatGPT act as an IELTS interviewer.



I want you to act as an IELTS Speaking Test interviewer and talk to me like an IELTS speaking test interview.

Ask one question at a time.

AI Output

Sure, I can do that! Let's begin.

First, could you please introduce yourself? What is your name, where are you from, and what do you do?


Sure, my name is Emily and I am from the United States. Currently, I work as a graphic designer for a digital marketing agency. I have always had a passion for creativity and design, which led me to pursue a degree in graphic design. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new art exhibits and experimenting with different art techniques. I am also an avid traveler and enjoy immersing myself in new cultures and experiences. I am excited to take the IELTS exam and showcase my English language skills.

After answering this familiar question, we can start practicing speaking.


AI Output

Great, Emily! It's nice to meet you. Let's move on to the first part of the IELTS Speaking Test. Here is the first question:

Let's start by talking about your current job. What are your main responsibilities as a graphic designer at your digital marketing agency?


Certainly. As a graphic designer at my digital marketing agency, my main responsibilities include creating visual concepts and designs for a wide range of digital media platforms including websites, social media platforms, and email marketing campaigns. I use various design software to develop and execute creative ideas that meet the clients' needs and effectively communicate their message to the target audience.

AI Output

That sounds like a challenging and rewarding role. Let's move on to the next question:

How did you become interested in graphic design, and what inspired you to pursue it as a career?


Sure. When I was in high school, I was introduced to the world of digital design, and I knew that this was the path I wanted to take. I enrolled in a graphic design program at university, where I learned the fundamentals of design, typography, color theory, and composition. I was particularly drawn to the challenge of creating designs that were both visually pleasing and functional, and that could effectively communicate a message to the audience.

Throughout the process, ChatGPT will ask questions one by one like an IELTS speaking examiner. After you answer, it will give a brief response. When Part 1 ends, it will ask if you are ready to move on to Part 2.

ChatGPT Speaking Test

After completing the speaking part of the test, you can also ask ChatGPT to give feedback on your shortcomings.

Feedback from ChatGPT

Speaking Exampleโ€‹

If your foundation is relatively weak and you have no ideas during the IELTS speaking test, you can ask ChatGPT to directly generate corresponding speaking examples.



Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a period in history that you want to know more about.

AI Output

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that. Here's a sample answer for the IELTS Speaking Part 2 prompt, "Describe a period in history that you want to know":

I'm quite interested in history, and there are many periods that fascinate me. However, one that I'm particularly intrigued by is the Ancient Egyptian era, which spanned from around 3100 BC to 30 BC.

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest and most enduring in the world, and it has left behind a rich legacy of art, architecture, and mythology that continues to capture people's imaginations to this day. I would love to learn more about the daily lives of ordinary Egyptians, as well as the pharaohs and other rulers who held power during that time.

One aspect of Ancient Egypt that I find particularly fascinating is their belief in an afterlife and the elaborate preparations they made for it, including building pyramids and tombs and creating intricate burial rituals. I would also be interested in learning more about the hieroglyphic writing system they used to record their history and religious beliefs.

Of course, there are many mysteries and unanswered questions about Ancient Egypt that continue to intrigue scholars and historians, such as how the pyramids were built and what caused the downfall of the civilization. Exploring these mysteries and learning more about this fascinating period in human history would be an incredible adventure, and I hope to have the opportunity to do so someday.

Based on the IELTS speaking assessment criteria, I would rate this answer at 6.5-7. Overall, the answer generated by ChatGPT is well-structured, logically coherent, responds clearly to the question, and uses a variety of sentence structures.


Writing Exampleโ€‹

Here we can ask ChatGPT to directly generate writing examples according to your target score.



Please write a band 8 IELTS Task 2 essay for this question:

Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the government's responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

AI Output

In recent years, the issue of whether the government should fund health care and education has become a topic of intense debate. While some individuals believe that the government has a duty to finance these essential services, others argue that it is not the government's responsibility. In this essay, we will explore both perspectives and provide our opinion.

On the one hand, some individuals believe that the government should fund health care and education because these services are fundamental rights that every citizen deserves. For example, health care is essential for maintaining good health, and it should be provided to all citizens regardless of their income. Education is also a right that every individual should have access to, regardless of their financial background, as it allows individuals to achieve their full potential and contribute to society. Therefore, the government should play a significant role in financing these services to ensure that everyone has access to them.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that the government should not be responsible for funding health care and education, as this should be left to individuals and private institutions. According to this perspective, the government's primary role is to maintain law and order and provide essential services such as security and infrastructure. It is the responsibility of individuals to pay for their health care and education, either through private insurance or personal savings. In this way, the burden of funding these services is shifted away from the government and onto individuals.

In my opinion, while individuals have a role to play in financing their health care and education, the government should also play a significant role in funding these services. Health care and education are fundamental rights that every individual deserves, and it is the government's responsibility to ensure that these rights are upheld. The government should provide essential services such as health care and education to ensure that all citizens have access to them, regardless of their financial background. However, this funding should be done in a way that is sustainable and equitable, so that the burden is not placed solely on taxpayers.

In conclusion, the issue of whether the government should fund health care and education is a complex one. While some argue that the government should not be responsible for financing these services, I believe that the government has a duty to ensure that all citizens have access to essential services such as health care and education. It is only through government funding that we can ensure that these services are accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial background.

Let's briefly analyze the essay written by ChatGPT:

  • From a structural perspective, the essay is well-aligned with the prompt, fully developed, and well-organized. It first states that the government should fund healthcare and education because these services are fundamental rights that every citizen deserves. Then it rebuts the first paragraph's view, emphasizing that healthcare and education services should be left to individuals and private institutions. It then expresses its own opinion: "In my opinion, while individuals have a role to play in financing their health care and education, the government should also play a significant role in funding these services."
  • In terms of vocabulary, the essay is suitable for beginners, using no obscure or difficult words, which helps us learn how vocabulary is used in the context of an essay, such as "intense debate," "regardless," and "play a significant role."
  • From a comprehension and memorization perspective, the essay generated by ChatGPT is relatively fixed and formulaic, which helps IELTS candidates deconstruct, imitate, and quickly get started. In standardized, academic exams like IELTS, using this structure is more aligned with requirements. Of course, advanced writers can use rhetorical questions, flashbacks, interspersed narration, or even stream of consciousness, but these techniques do not fully meet the requirements of the IELTS exam.

Writing Correctionโ€‹

During the learning process, we can have ChatGPT correct our writing. ChatGPT can give more suggestions based on the official four dimensions of the scoring criteria and generate revised essays, allowing us to quickly identify our shortcomings through specific content and correction opinions.



I would like you to act as an English teacher for IELTS writing corrections and give me feedback on my writing samples, including suggestions for improvement and correction of any errors.

The IELTS writing is marked on four dimensions:

[object Object][object Object][object Object][object Object]

My essay was as follows:

More and more young people choose to stop studying in schools and cannot be employed after graduation in many countries. Youth unemployment might be terrible for self-development of individuals and steady social development.

For young people, unemployment is a realistic problem they face. No jobs means no income and cannot provide a single person with basic living materials and goods which they want to improve themselves. Also, without being employed, youths have a lot of spare time when they have nothing to do and this might cause some social issues. For instance, there will be many factories and companies who need employees to do the work cannot produce enough goods which the society asks for. As a result, the economy might slow down or even decline. Simultaneously, young people who have no salaries but plenty of time might be a trigger of increasing social criminals.

In order to deal with youth unemployment, the government can carry out policies to encourage some young people who want to develop themselves to go back to schools for further education and help some of them who want to work learn some practical skills. Moreover, young people themselves should think about their future employment before they leave schools through some career development courses which can be provided by schools.

In conclusion, youth unemployment might be a big issue for development of the individuals and the society. To solve this problem, the governmental policies and individual career development courses can help.



AI Output

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your essay! Here's my feedback based on the four dimensions of the IELTS writing marking scheme:

[object Object] Your essay addresses the prompt of youth unemployment, its impact on individuals and society, and suggests solutions to the problem. However, there are some areas where you can further develop your ideas to make your response more comprehensive and persuasive.

[object Object] Your essay is organized into three paragraphs, which is a good start. However, there are some issues with coherence and cohesion. For example, in the second paragraph, you discuss the impact of youth unemployment on society, but then you shift to discussing the impact on individuals. It would be better to separate these points into two different paragraphs to create a more organized and coherent essay. Additionally, there are some awkward sentences that could be rephrased for better clarity.

[object Object] Your essay uses a range of vocabulary, but there are some errors in word choice and usage. For instance, in the first paragraph, you use the word "good" instead of "goods," and in the second paragraph, you use "trigger of increasing social criminals" instead of "cause an increase in crime rates." Try to pay closer attention to your word choice to ensure accuracy and clarity.

[object Object] There are some grammatical errors in your essay, such as missing articles, subject-verb agreement errors, and awkward phrasing. For example, in the first sentence, "cannot be employed after graduation in many countries" should be "cannot find employment after graduation in many countries." It would be helpful to proofread your work carefully to catch these errors and improve the overall accuracy of your writing.

Here is a revised version of your essay with suggested improvements:

More and more young people are choosing to stop studying in schools and are unable to find employment after graduation in many countries. Youth unemployment can have a significant impact on both individual self-development and overall social development.

Unemployment poses a realistic problem for young people, as it means no income and an inability to provide for basic living necessities, let alone the resources necessary for self-improvement. Furthermore, a lack of employment means that many companies and factories may not be able to produce enough goods to meet society's demands, which could lead to a decline in the economy. Additionally, idle young people with plenty of spare time may be more likely to turn to crime, which can have a negative impact on society.

To address youth unemployment, the government can implement policies to encourage young people to pursue further education or learn practical skills that will improve their employability. In addition, schools can provide career development courses that help students make informed decisions about their future employment prospects.

In conclusion, youth unemployment is a significant issue that requires both government intervention and individual action. By investing in education and skills training, young people can improve their chances of finding meaningful employment and contribute to the development of their communities.