
🟢 内容总结

ChatGPT 可以通过分析内容并生成一个浓缩版本来总结文本。这对节省时间和精力很有帮助,特别是在阅读长篇文章、研究论文或报告时。


你所要做的就是把具体的文字复制并粘贴到提示中,并要求ChatGPT对所选文本进行简化总结。这里我们参考openai官网提供的例子Summarize for a 2nd grader来总结一下木星的维基百科



💡 Summarize this for a second-grade student:

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun, but two-and-a-half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects visible to the naked eye in the night sky, and has been known to ancient civilizations since before recorded history. It is named after the Roman god Jupiter.[19] When viewed from Earth, Jupiter can be bright enough for its reflected light to cast visible shadows,[20] and is on average the third-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus.

AI Output

**Jupiter is a really big planet in our Solar System. It's the fifth planet from the Sun and it's even bigger than all the other planets combined! Jupiter is made mostly of gas and it's really bright in the night sky. People have known about Jupiter for a very long time, even before they wrote things down. It's named after a god from ancient Rome. When we look at Jupiter from Earth, it can be so bright that it makes shadows. It's usually the third-brightest thing we can see in the sky, after the Moon and Venus.**


Ted Chiang曾经在纽约客上发表文章,称ChatGPT为互联网的有损压缩。那么我们同样可以通过提示来生成总结,并不需要粘贴额外的文字。



💡 Summarize for me what Jupiter is, like I'm 8 years old

AI Output

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. It's very far away, but we can see it in the night sky. It's big and bright and looks like a star. Jupiter is a gas giant and is made of mostly gas and liquids, just like Saturn. It has big, swirling storms and colorful stripes on it. It's very interesting and fun to look at.



除了摘要这种形式外,你还可以要求 ChatGPT 为长文本写提纲。这样你可以一次性看到整篇文章的主线或框架。

以下是ChatGPT对维基百科上 ChatGPT 页面上的提纲。

这里我使用了角色扮演类的提示,让 ChatGPT 扮演一个文档大纲生成器,并且定义了两个关键词组。当我还没输入“生成大纲”时,ChatGPT 会在读取完成后输出“读取完毕”,而不是直接生成大纲。





AI Output

Sure, based on the text you provided, here is the outline:

I. Introduction

[object Object][object Object][object Object]

II. Fine-tuning Process

[object Object][object Object][object Object]

III. Infrastructure and Data Collection

[object Object][object Object]

IV. Features

[object Object][object Object][object Object][object Object][object Object]

V. Conclusion

[object Object][object Object]


除了大纲和概要之外,还有一种适合我们日常阅读习惯的格式,那就是维基百科。这里我同样是使用角色扮演,生成 AI(Artificial intelligence)的总结。



I want you to act as a Wikipedia page. I will give you the name of a topic, and you will provide a summary of that topic in the format of a Wikipedia page. Your summary should be informative and factual, covering the most important aspects of the topic. Start your summary with an introductory paragraph that gives an overview of the topic. My first topic is "Artificial intelligence"



AI Output

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, decision making, and natural language processing. AI involves the creation of algorithms and computer programs that can process large amounts of data and make predictions or decisions based on that data.

The history of AI dates back to the 1950s, when researchers began developing computer programs that could play chess and solve mathematical problems. Over the years, AI has advanced significantly, and today, it is used in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation.





